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Joined: 28 Feb 2005 21:17
Location: Ebbw Vale

Post by RhysJervis »

Well to be honest (and dont take offence to this) but String is a little too bitter and anti Newport to get a warm welcome on the Black and Ambers forum.

At least Graham can reason with you (sometimes). Strings got an answer for everything, see the Anybody going thread.
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Post by Graham »

RhysJervis wrote:Well to be honest (and dont take offence to this) but String is a little too bitter and anti Newport to get a warm welcome on the Black and Ambers forum.

At least Graham can reason with you (sometimes). Strings got an answer for everything, see the Anybody going thread.
Tried it and got abused for not loving Newport or the Dragons enough. The “element” (polite version for this moderated board) took exception to the fact that I had a different opinion that wasn't deemed by them to be 100% "Pro-Newport" and made it clear that I “wasn’t welcome there” (abusive version of message replaced for moderated board).

People like that (the cycloptic lunatic fringe – AKA “The Element”) have taken over down there and are one of the main reasons that I want nothing to do with them.

So despite having made and met many good friends at RP when Ebbw didn't have matches on, I thought "stuff you townies, I don't really need you". They were all sweetness and light and wanted to be mates until the inception of the Dragons. At first, we were all looking forward to supporting the same team in Europe. Then I suggested something about the name or something innocuous like that, and got abused and told in no uncertain terms I "wasn't welcome" (polite version again). If I’d been trolling, winding up deliberately or insulting, I would have understood it, but they just didn’t want anyone from outside playing with their new toy. I am more than happy to let them have their toy and play with it, but when I show total apathy toward them don't be too surprised. As I said, I care not if they win the HC 10 times in a row or if they just fold. While the “element” is prevalent at RP and “Newport” is in the name, I’ll keep with my first love in the rugby world “Ebbw” and everything else comes a distant second.
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